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Welcome to K12Alternative 2020 Summit - to be held 12-14 Aug., 2020 worldwide at Christ Summit. Our mission is to partner with the Church & the Family to equip the leaders of tomorrow. Annually we will have a different theme. Our theme this year is "United in Purpose, Diverse in Action" to reflect the effort we are investing in the church and family as we equip tomorrow's leaders, our children.
The summit will feature speakers representing various ministries, organizations, colleges|universities, and family educators from a broad spectrum of perspectives (Classical Conversations, Cyber school, Private school, Charlotte-Mason, etc.). K12Alternative does not favor one approach over another. At K12Alternative we are Diversely Unified because we share a common purpose: to bring glory to God. Share about this event to your friends, family, church, and colleagues at work. We pray that K12Alternative will encourage you and equip you as we partner in preparing tomorrow's leaders in academia, music, art, politics, medicine, sports, science, technology, media, business, and ministry.
The landscape
Our Partners in Faith as We Address the Pressing Issues
...k12alternative Issues
The Battle for Christianity in America
A large population of young people are leaving the church.
The decline in Americans who consider themselves Christians.
Pew Research Center
3.4% of students homeschool in the United States.
Christian & Non-Christian
Americans who believe the Bible is the literal Word of God.
...What We Will Speak About
Dig in and enjoy a fully loaded selection of enrichment sessions featuring core subjects and electives. Embrace teaching students using fun, engaging and even some out of the box methods.
Encompassing all aspects of Family Life from developing strong family devotional habits to enriching quality time with your spouse and children all while balancing work, home and your child’s spiritual and educational needs.
ministry leaders
Learn and collaborate. Training ministry and lay leaders on how to invest in programs geared towards K-12 and their families inside and outside the church. Evaluate case studies and implement the lessons learned.
kingdom leadership
Challenging today’s youth to rise up to the honored call of our Lord to grow in His likeness and live an active life for Christ as a leader and positive influence on other youth and adults worldwide.
special needs
Fearfully and Wonderfully made. K12Alternative's goal is to gather experts who can provide resources and strategies to help families and educators who are blessed with special needs students.
spiritual formation
Spiritual Formation: the process of being conformed to the image of Christ for the glory of God. Formation is a life long process involving right thinking (orthodoxy) and right living (orthopraxy).
We want this event to be an experience you will remember. We have made the extra effort to interview some of the speakers so that you can get to know them and a little bit about what they will talk about @ K12Alternative. Don't forget to share about this event to your friends and family. We are excited and are looking forward to see how God will use K12Alternative to shape the landscape of tomorrow.
Wednesday - august 12
It's our prayer that the upcoming summit will encourage you as we work together to prepare our children to be the Salt and Light of the World.
We will have a DEVOTIONAL & PRAYER each morning for anyone interested. This will begin 1 hour before the first presentation.
11:00AM - 12:00 PM
Davis & Rachael Carman
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
LUNCH & expo
2:30 PM - 3:00 PM
LaNissir James
Homeschool High School – Keep It Simple!
3:30 pM - 4:00 PM
Vicki Bentley
Juggling life & Lesson Plans
5:45 PM - 6:00 PM
Dr. Peter & Ana Jensen
Day 1 wrap up & expo
...Wednesday - august 12
3:30 pM - 4:00 PM
Joel W. Hawbaker
...thursday - AUGUST 13
We will have a DEVOTIONAL & PRAYER each morning for anyone interested. This will begin 1 hour before the first presentation.
12:15 pM - 1:00 pM
lunch & expo
2:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Vicki Bentley
So You've Decided to Homeschool--NOW What?
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Dr. Rochelle Matthews-Somerville
You Can Homeschool Your Struggling Learner—Hope and How-To’s for Homeschooling Students Who Learn Differently
5:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Vicki Bentley
Foster Care & The Homeschool Family
...thursday - AUGUST 13
...thursday - AUGUST 13
...friday - august 14
We will have a DEVOTIONAL & PRAYER each morning for anyone interested. This will begin 1 hour before the first presentation.
10:15 aM - 10:45 aM
Heather Frommack
Foundations for Homeschooling: Hugs, Honor, Habits, Hooks & Heroes
11:15 aM - 11:45 aM
Andrew DeLorme
12:00 pM - 1:00 pM
lunch & expo
2:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Vicki Bentley
Homeschooling on a ShoeString
5:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Dr. Peter Jensen
Final Day wrap up
...friday - august 14
We will have a DEVOTIONAL & PRAYER each morning for anyone interested. This will begin 1 hour before the first presentation.
11:15 aM - 11:45 aM
Joel W. Hawbaker
What Are You Doing Here? Why education without values is no education at all (POstponed)
1:00 pM - 1:30 pM
Katie Corbett
2:00 pM - 2:30 pM
Joanie Alfors
...friday - august 14
We will have a DEVOTIONAL & PRAYER each morning for anyone interested. This will begin 1 hour before the first presentation.
10:15 aM - 10:45 aM
Dr. Mark Hamby
11:15 aM - 11:45 aM
Gabrielle Fratantoni
What it Means to be a "NOT Pop" Mom (PostPoned)
Finally, the opportunity to launch your online business.
At Lamplighter we know that you want character-building content that brings you and your family closer to God. We are committed to inspiring others through the art of storytelling. For more than 30 years, we've been collecting over 200 character-building stories that are built on the foundation of God's word. With Lamplighter books and audio dramas you and your family are sure to enjoy hours of engaging stories that will leave you inspired to overcome challenges and experience a heroic partnership with God. It is our passion to bring you stories that, in hope against hope, you will be fully convinced that God will keep His promises and do exceedingly abundantly above all that you could ask or think!
Whether you are thinking about homeschooling, are getting started homeschooling, or have been on the path for a while, you’ll be encouraged and inspired by the Welcome Home e-book and Curriculum Planning Guide packed with homeschool information and encouragement from Apologia.
Welcome Home e-Book and Curriculum Planning Guide
● Five must-knows before selecting a curriculum from a mom of 7 with over 22 years of homeschooling experience. Are you missing any of these tips as you research and select curriculum?● Tips for homeschooling multiple ages from a homeschool mom of 4. If you are homeschooling various ages, you need these tips!● A homeschool curriculum planning sheet where you can journal more extensive notes for each child and each subject. These planning sheets are the perfect place to record all the ideas you brainstorm based on each child’s needs and learning style!● A subject planning chart you can complete for each child in your homeschool as you begin to solidify your plan and research resources
Articles & Devotionals
● Two different prayer journal pages where you can record prayers for each child as you reflect and plan. Make multiple copies and use them throughout the year as you work and adjust your curriculum choices..● Written by veteran homeschooling parents, including: Davis Carman, Rachael Carman, Debra Bell, Sherri Seligson, and Gerri Smith● Homeschooling articles include: 5 Good Reasons to Homeschool, Why Homeschool Teens?, Is Your Career “On Hold” As A Mom?, 5 Must-Knows Before Selecting Homeschool Curriculum, Focus on Love, Questions They Don’t Ask On the SAT, and MUCH MORE● Devotionals with accompanying scripture coloring page – use them during your personal devotion time, with your family, or when gathered with a group of friends
...k12alternative 2020 Partners
We can host over 400+ events (Workshops, Conferences, Summits) on any given day from 1 to 100,000 attendees.(Zoom, Google, Microsoft, EyesOn, HeySummit, BigMarker, JetWebinar, EventsFrame, Hopin, VewStub, HQWebinar, Restream, etc.)
Do you want to expand the reach of your ministry or organization and double or triple the impact? Have you ever wanted to host a workshop or a conference on a topic you strongly believed will strengthen your congregation, but without the excessive burden of financial cost? Can your ministry benefit from additional income or a new way to generate financial support without overwhelming your church, organization, or business? Do you believe more people can be impacted by what the Bible teaches on various topics (marriage, finance, Biblical Manhood, Biblical Womanhood, parenting, worship, evangelism, youth ministry, etc.) if it was more readily available in this fast pace culture we live in? As a Christian entrepreneur, have you ever hungered for the opportunity to connect with like minded people in the marketplace? Have you ever considered monetizing your knowledge of Scriptures and its application to support your calling? Have you ever wondered how you can stay on top of the latest research in the languages, Biblical studies, archaeology, ministry, Pauline theology, church history, New/Old Testament studies, etc.?
The answer to these questions is Christ Summit. At Christ Summit we are more than just a platform to host your events. We are the intersection of ministry and technology, a community that fosters fellowship of the believers, the classroom where the minds are transformed for the glory of God and the heart set on fire, the arena where like-minded entrepreneurs network to change the marketplace, the quiet room where prayers are lifted up. You are no longer confined in a room, restricted by time, exhausted by travelling, financially drained by expenses. You can enjoy all of the benefits of live, physical events from the comfort of your home, or at the cafe while enjoying your latte, on your phone or tablet while commuting from work, or laptop at the beach or resort.
Only the Gospel can change the world and that is why at Christ Summit our mission is “To Proclaim the Gospel.” We accomplish this through you. Partner with us and change the world.
Christ Summit, USA
8.12-14.2020 10AM - 6PM EST
If you have any questions, or want join us as a speaker, we will be happy to contact you by phone or via email.